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Curiosity didn’t kill the cat. Perspectives for digital marketers: Part II
Curiosity didn’t kill the cat. Perspectives for digital marketers: Part II
In part ONE, we’ve gone over biases, placebos, human interaction, behavioural economics, persuasive marketing, complementarity, and began the topic of nudging! In our second part, let’s jump to slicing digital marketing channels, explore nudging in-depth, and make a case for why behavioral economics should be taken into account in each one of them. The first...
Curiosity didn’t kill the cat. Perspectives for digital marketers: Part I
Curiosity didn’t kill the cat. Perspectives for digital marketers: Part I
In WW2, after the Allied Forces won back the European territories, they moved on to deal with Japan. Trying to avoid futile bloodshed, they’ve asked, during the Potsdam Conference, for unconditional surrender. Following this, the Japanese mass media requested a reply from their Prime Minister, and the only word he articulated was “mokusatsu”. As with...
The Logic of Business and Marketing: Part II – Machine Learning
The Logic of Business and Marketing: Part II – Machine Learning
In our previous article, we discussed the two worlds that we live in simultaneously – the social and the market one; then, we continued our analysis of human action & incentives and how these tie into anchoring, imprinting, and self-herding. In today’s article, we’ll be looking at how these relate to machine learning, going over...
BIODIGY – The Biomimicry Digital Agency
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